Hello, everyone ! We specialize in creative expression that goes beyond art and design.
Description of the company But nothing so special… Just address phone numbers etc…
Graphic designs to web creations ! but we only chose works for the looks…(uso)
Silly graffiti or future national treasures !? It's a weired storage. (^^)
Bonanza to silly party stuff... Check out rare items selected by "eredie" Updates irregularly.
NATURAL BEAUTY BASIC3 Scenes 3 Jacket Stylings Leaflet
AD&D:Shuichi Ando
Just how long does Facebook & Twitter continue to be popular !? Well, here is hot news from "eredie" & our daily thoughts…Plus deep information from Shinkoiwa neighborhood. Don't want to miss it!
This might be an old fashioned now that we have Facebook and Twitter... Anyway this is for those who are totally fed up by those shitty SNS services… Highly recommended to those who digs "old school"
Our company profile is here. The link below guide you to our affiliated company, eredie2. But no need to access there especially.